
Disclaimer Policy

The information and content published on FareOprice are verified, complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge. We cross-check our content, prices, and data published on the website. We source the content mentioned on the website from our service providers (airlines, hotel websites, holiday websites) as you book directly with them. We update the booking terms and conditions from time to time to make you aware of the industry dynamics with airfare and tariff changes according to the market complexities. We update the information without giving you prior notice. According to FareOprice Terms & Conditions, we do not have any liability to bear losses, damages, or injuries that you suffer due to your dependency on the information and content shared by us, our booking experts, or our suppliers. It applies to the content, data, tariff, and airfares published with the third-party websites linked to us.

Discount Policy

The offers, coupon codes, and deals running on FareOprice vary and depend on industry determinants. The factors that lead to any variations are travel, booking or blackout dates, and any terms or conditions mentioned in our terms and conditions. The airfares may change without giving any prior information, and if you claim offered discounts, our booking agents conduct an evaluation test to confirm if you are eligible.